Fun With KQL – Arg_Max and Arg_Min


A very common need in query languages is the ability to extract the maximum and minimum values in a column of data. The Kusto Query Language provides this capability through two functions, arg_max and arg_min. In this post we’ll take a look at these functions.

At a minimum, you need to be aware that the samples in this post will be run inside the LogAnalytics demo site found at This demo site has been provided by Microsoft and can be used to learn the Kusto Query Language at no cost to you.

If you’ve not read my introductory post in this series, I’d advise you to do so now. It describes the user interface in detail. You’ll find it at

Note that my output may not look exactly like yours when you run the sample queries for several reasons. First, Microsoft only keeps a few days of demo data, which are constantly updated, so the dates and sample data won’t match the screen shots.

Second, I’ll be using the column tool (discussed in the introductory post) to limit the output to just the columns needed to demonstrate the query. Finally, Microsoft may make changes to both the user interface and the data structures between the time I write this and when you read it.

Arg_Max Basics

As its name implies, the arg_max function returns the maximum value within the column passed into it.

In this example, we are going to use the summarize operator to summarize by the CounterName. The value we’ll use in the summarize is the maximum CounterValue, determined using arg_max, for each CounterName.

The first parameter we pass into arg_max is the column we want to find the maximum value for. The second argument is the column or columns to be returned, besides of course the max value of the passed in column. In this example we use an asterisk to return all of the columns piped in from Perf.

We then go into a project, to limit the output to a few columns, then sort them. (In a moment we’ll see how to limit the output of arg_max so we don’t need the project.)

Note in the output it retained the name for the column we are getting the maximum value for, CounterValue. You should consider renaming this column in the output to a name that is more reflective of the true data, such as MaxCounterValue. This could make the output clearer to the end user of your query.

Arg_Max With Columns

In this second example, we have the same basic result as the first query. In this version though, we pass in the few columns we want back.

In addition to CounterValue, we’ll pass in TimeGenerated, Computer, and ObjectName.

You’ll notice in this version we no longer need the project operator to reduce the number of columns. That is taken care of in arg_max. By taking advantage of this feature, you can make your queries more compact.

Arg_Min Basics

The arg_min function behaves identically to arg_max, with the exception of course of returning the minimum value from the passed in column. You can use the asterisk to return all columns or specify columns to be returned.

As such we’ll just demonstrate the summarize version of our query, but you can replicate the query shown in the previous section by using arg_min instead of arg_max.

As you can see, the minimum counter value across most of the data was a zero.

See Also

The following operators, functions, and/or plugins were used or mentioned in this article’s demos. You can learn more about them in some of my previous posts, linked below.

Fun With KQL – Project

Fun With KQL – Sort

Fun With KQL – Summarize


In this article we saw how to perform a common task across query languages, obtaining the maximum and minimum values for a set of data. We did so using the arg_max and arg_min Kusto functions.

The demos in this series of blog posts were inspired by my Pluralsight courses Kusto Query Language (KQL) from Scratch and Introduction to the Azure Data Migration Service, two of the many courses I have on Pluralsight. All of my courses are linked on my About Me page.

If you don’t have a Pluralsight subscription, just go to my list of courses on Pluralsight . At the top is a Try For Free button you can use to get a free 10 day subscription to Pluralsight, with which you can watch my courses, or any other course on the site.

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